
Problem Sir: Describing without the Object

Posted by Unknown | Posted in , , | Posted on Friday, January 04, 2013

Any amateur writer and scholars will know the basic procedure in describing something: take a look at the object (if you can), take a note of its notable features and distinctions, and then start picturing it in detail. Descriptive writing usually requires the writer to describe a person, a thing, an eventanything to make the said subject looks vivid to the reader through detail. That is the basic as I know anyway.


However, for my part-time writing job, I ought to write about a product without knowing the real product. Usually, my boss sends me the kind of text that the clients want or what kind of products that I have to review or describe about. I usually write about home and design, health, home appliances, make-up, etc. For example I have to write about the latest dishwasher from a company, and I have to describe its quality, functions, the plus-minus, and so on. But for today special job: nothing.

The instruction is actually quite clear: I need to write about a productmay it home appliances, make-up, electronics, or furniture—but I do not need to know the product that I need to write about.

At first, I thought this will be simple. I'm sad to tell you that it's not as simple as I thought before.

I mean, how do you tell that the product that I write about is pink? What about if it is blue? What if it is not made of natural products? How about it uses animal testing while I write none of that cruel process? How should I know?

To make things worse, I have to write 3 texts with 400 words each. And I only have 1 hour left until the deadline. That's awesome, thankyouverymuch.

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